Monday, February 25, 2008

Russell's Hair

On Saturday, I wrote about Rachel doing Russell's hair, for an important soccer game. By the time his hair was finished, Russell's teammates had already arrived at our house, ready to leave for the game, so I didn't have time to get a picture of the final product.

We took some pictures as soon as he got home from the game, instead. Here they are. Doesn't he look . . . interesting? I am impressed at how well his "do" held up, since he is a pretty intense player!

Pretty good, huh? Sorry for the sweaty pictures, but I wasn't sure if he was going to take apart his hairdo for his shower, so I snagged these when he first came in from the game!


Steve S said...

Very cool! I think actually it looks vaguely like a soccer ball. Very Beckhamesque, debuting a new 'do in conjunction with big matches. So, did the tonsorial adventurousness inspire his side to victory?

Trish said...

Glad you like it! And yes, Russell's team won, 4-0, but I don't think they're going to give Russell's hair any of the credit! ;-D

Anonymous said...

Cool do, Russell! Rachel must be a very patient young lady to do all that work. Glad to hear they won their game... and I think it was because the other team was all distracted by Russell's hair!!
Love Beth Webb