
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Sadly Saying "Farewell" to Esdras

This blog post should probably come with a warning. So, please go ahead and prepare yourself to be moved. Today, we’re hearing from Esdras. He did a beautiful job sharing his thoughts during a phone call. As it turns out, he had already written out his thoughts to be sure to get through everything without crying. 

Esdras sent over his written statement after our talk. Rather than rewrite what he said, let’s hear from the man himself: 

It has been almost 3 years since God's fidelity has dazzled like a beacon of light in the middle of a garden.


How did you get there? 

Something amazing about God's fidelity is knowing how I got to the Sowers4Pastors ministry, having no immediate connection, despite having lived in the same city with many of the staff members. However, God was already prepared to meet Him (there) later. Two years before arriving at Sowers4Pastors, I served as a pastor in a city near Gracias Lempira called La Esperanza, I worked by establishing the youth group, a children's program with sequential lessons for a whole year, forming the worship team, etc. But after two years the work in this church was self-sustainable. It was there that my prayer to God was: “What do you want me to do, Lord? Give me a chance to serve you even more.” And it was after a prayer that I received the call. Yes, Rachel Sowers was on the phone calling and looking for someone to serve with them. That was an answered prayer.

What did you do for the ministry?

Sowers4pastors has been a wonderful experience, and I am sure that I have learned much more than I have been able to teach – serving the children, taking the Gospel to the most remote mountains around Gracias Lempira. I learned to develop different programs– motorcycles and how to take this valuable resource to the hands of a needy shepherd. Also developing feeding centers for all children, celebrating children's days, and bringing happiness to all the children of our programs with the backpack season and Vacation Bible School weeks. It has been a time of a lot of learning.

What are you taking (with you)?

It is never easy to say goodbye, but this is the right time for me. I carry with me all the beautiful experiences lived in this ministry, the sincere and pure love of the staff and all those friendships that I have made here through each missionary team. To all the sister churches, I can only say thank you for making all this possible, God bless you even more.

Why are you leaving?


God has been faithful, and allowed me to meet a wonderful girl, who shows the character of Christ in her life. I met her two years ago during a missionary trip of the EAC church in Florida. We met, we continued talking, and I fell deeply in love. And as a result of that love, we have decided to get married.

At the beginning of our relationship, the decision was clear, one of us would have to give in. We prayed a lot to know our destiny. I will be moving to the United States to start this new stage. Are you scared? Maybe a little. It's a big change, a different culture. But in God is our trust he has been faithful, his word says that he will continue to do it. 

What's next?

Everyone asks me, “Will you never go back to Honduras again?” I don't see it that way. This step is one more step to be able to follow God's call to my life and I hope and trust that one day I will return with my wife and our family.

Once again, God has been faithful. We will move to continue working on God's work as much as possible, in the city of Jacksonville to grow and serve in the local church. I pray for all your prayers, for me and my future wife.

To all those with whom I shared in this ministry, I want to tell you that I love you in the Lord, thank you for always bringing joy to all children. You have a place kept in my heart and in my prayers for you. Thank you Sowers4pastor and thank you sister churches.

Note from Christi: Her name is Audrey. Esdras will be leaving on November 19th, shortly before Thanksgiving. He chose that time to allow him to spend Thanksgiving with Audrey and her family. The wedding is scheduled for December 6th. Please hold Esdras and Audrey in your prayers. We know this is not goodbye. 

 - posted by Christi

P.S. - (Can a blog post actually have a P.S.?) Is anyone else hearing Michael W. Smith singing “Friends” in their head? 

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