Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Another Day, Another . . .

You know the old saying, “Another day, another gajillion backpacks to distribute and kids to fit with shoes!” What? You don’t know that old saying? Well, stick around, because it’s the sort of thing that comes up periodically on this blog. When I spoke to Russell this week, he was traveling to a Manna 4 Lempira center with Allen, the Hall family, Dillon, and Sowers4Pastors' newest intern, Kelsea.

Russell gave me a quick rundown of what his “social calendar” looks like this week. Really, the fun began last Friday when Russell and Dillon drove to San Pedro to pick up Kim Hall and family, who
arrived on Saturday. It was a gloriously uneventful trip because they encountered no road-blocking protests. (Russell would like to remind you that the international news has the job of showing the worst side of things. The dramatic protests you are seeing are not reflective of what is actually going on throughout most of the country at this time.)

Sunday: They visited the Tablon center, where they distributed 130 backpacks and pairs of shoes.

Monday: They headed to the Mercedes center, where they distributed a whopping 335 backpacks and pairs of shoes.

Tuesday: Tuesday found them at the Betania center, where they distributed 190 backpacks and pairs of shoes.

Wednesday: Wednesday brings us up to the day of our phone call. The group plans to visit the two daughter churches of the Tablon main church. That will mean visiting two completely separate locations. Russell anticipates distributing another 160 backpacks and pairs of shoes.

Thursday: On Thursday they will visit the new center opened in the fall, Quelacasque. This center has the distinction of being part sister church sponsored and part Manna 4 Lempira sponsored. One of the Manna 4 Lempira sponsors got her church in Kansas in on the fun and they are now a sister church. They will distribute backpacks and shoes to approximately 160 kids.

Friday and Saturday: As the week draws to a close, the group will revisit Mercedes and Betania, in order to see any children who were not there for the previous visits.

Saturday: On Saturday afternoon, Russell, Dillon, and Kelsea will drive the Hall family back to San Pedro to make their return flight on Sunday.

Children heading home with backpacks

Sunday is inauguration day in Honduras! Please be in prayer for Russell, Kelsea, Dillon’s safe travels on their drive home. Russell is feeling confident, as there are currently very few roadblocks happening.

 - posted by Christi

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