Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Best Laid Plans

What do you do when you’re feeling a little under the weather? Do you have a special recipe for a garlic-laden soup guaranteed to clear up passageways and ward off vampires? Do you put on some fuzzy socks and curl with a good Netflix binge? Whatever you do, it’s probably not what Trish is doing. Recently, while Trish and Allen have been traveling in the U.S, Trish has been sick more than not. So far, Allen and Trish have already been to Maryland and Seattle, and, at the time of our weekly phone call, they had just flown to Mississippi on the previous day. Because, what better way to boost an immune system than to be stuck in a pressurized cabin waiting to see if your head will explode?

Fortunately, Trish’s head has not actually exploded. She may even be on the mend (though she’s thought that before and was sadly mistaken). Nevertheless, the itinerary has been kept and the “show” continues to go on.

You may recall that there were some open time slots in Allen and Trish’s schedule before they left Honduras. Those slots were not all filled, but the gatherings they have had to date have been well received. Plus, the lighter schedule has allowed Trish time to get some much needed rest.

One goal of this trip was to pursue the idea of starting a new version of the Sister Church Program, that will be open to people in the Seattle area. That has gone so well that they already have Russell working on finding a feeding center of an appropriate size for this project. People are excited about this! Even without a location, some people have already donated money to sponsor children in the new program!

Later this year, Allen and Trish will be starting their fall backpack trip in Seattle. Many people in that area have already made a commitment to filling backpacks. Since they know they will be heading to Colorado Springs after Seattle, Allen and Trish are looking for people between those two locations to fill backpacks, as well. Like the fount of wisdom she is, Trish said, “There’s a whole lot of road between Seattle and Colorado Springs. If people along the way are interested in helping out, we can go by and pick up the backpacks they fill!”

Last week was the first time Trish has been scheduled to speak publicly about the kidnapping since shortly after it happened. While she hasn’t been feeling 100%, she made it through the retelling. After all, feeling under the weather pales in comparison to being kidnapped!

The dynamic missionary duo has more connections scheduled over the next couple of weeks. They will be driving around Mississippi, the panhandle of Florida, and Georgia, before heading back up to Maryland for their return flight home. Trish said, “Progress is being made. It hasn’t been ideal, but we are plodding through.”

Now, won’t someone please get Trish a big bowl of soup?

 - posted by Christi

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