The BIG gift this year is for Rachel. She is getting a weaving loom. It is her gift for this Christmas, her birthday, next Christmas, her birthday in 2008, etc.
Rachel asked about getting a loom months ago. I did some research online, and discovered that it is difficult and expensive to ship looms across the US. Most people will only sell their looms to buyers who can come and pick them up. So, I kept watching the sale ads, for a loom in one of our 'local' areas. Since we receive shipments from Maryland and the Gulf coast of Florida, a loom purchased in one of these areas wouldn't require additional cross country shipping.
In September, I found an ad for a loom in Sarasota Florida. This loom met my location specification, and one other criterion. I wanted to purchase the loom from a knowledgeable weaver, so that the seller could assure me that the loom was in good working order. The loom we found was being sold through the Manasota Weaver's Guild, and these folks have been so nice to us, adding in a how-to book, shuttles, and even some of the materials needed for our first weaving project.
As we finally have all of the paperwork together, Russell is leaving tomorrow to work on getting the shipments through customs, including our personal Christmas presents (Rachel's loom is a part of this) and the gifts for the pastors. With only a week left until Christmas, we are cutting this mighty close! Please remember Russell in your prayers these next few days. Getting the shipments through customs is a big task for anyone, let alone an 18 year old young man.
A very unique gift. Should be a hit with the locals, and I mean that seriously. I've seen a website with the creative cloth creations of Honduran seamstresses, who were trained by a lady in Miami. It gives them a source of income, and something to enjoy.
I'd love to see that, Aaron. Could you share the link? Thanks!
Praying for the gifts!
I'm sorry Trish, but I can't find it.
Thanks for looking, Aaron!
Thanks for praying, Kim!
ohh ohh ohh! I'm so excited for Rachel and I can't wait to see how that goes for her! When I was in High school I took an elective free art (make up your own projects) and guess I did? Weaving! I wonder what I did with all those things I worked on now? Of course they were all done on those big square lap looms. How could I not save those things? There is something about patterns that just appeal to me and weaving was such a beautiful 3D form of art. My mother has a weaving that I think I must have done in about 5th grade.
I hope Rachel gets lots of enjoyment from her gift!
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