Last night, our neighbors had a party. We were out of town for most of the evening, but when we got home at 10 or so, the party was going strong, with live music and dancing. The music was quite good, with marimba, bass, and drums.
A few hours later, after our family had all been tucked into our beds, the fireworks show began. Fireworks are set off pretty much continually during the month of December, but this particular display was something special. It consisted of the better fireworks, the ones that fly up into the sky and make a pretty cascade. Not like the little noisemakers the children enjoy.
What was truly special to me, was that the location from which they fired off the rockets was about 12 feet from the head of my bed. The wall above my bed has a window, which of course is open, and between my window and the street there is a 10' high security wall. But, directly on the other side of the wall, they were shooting off the fireworks. Lying on my back, looking up out my window, I could watch the rockets fly upward just over the top of the wall.
This was at midnight. Our dogs were so terrified, they kept trying to get into bed with me. None of this was conducive to sleeping!
Surprisingly, I didn't feel any annoyance about this disruption of my sleep. I think I've overcome the feelings I had when we were newcomers in Honduras, when it just felt like so many things were orchestrated specifically to annoy me. Last night, I felt like I was in the wrong, because I didn't get up and enjoy the display with the neighbors.
Our great God is transforming you to the image of His Son! I think Jesus would have been more interested in joining the neighbors in their celebration than in the interruption of his sleep...When you get discouraged at your lack of progress in this new life just look back a few years and see how far you've come!
I've been pretty close to large fireworks when they went off, has it damaged your hearing? :)
Love Beth
Orchestrated just for you in the comfort of your own home,-bed! A special little gift from God saying, your special.
The fireworks I have seen in Guatemala were all form the fairly insulated hotel rooms at the Marriott, so I can't say I have had the privalage of being awakened by them.....but, it is amazing that they are going off for the entire month.
Actually, while we were in Nov., the fireworks started for the Holiday season. Locals said they will be going off almost every night between now & early Jan.!
Your own private fireworks show...what could be better? Sometimes we need to open our hearts to change our attitudes about things. It's wonderful how you were able to lie back and go with the flow.
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