We've been living full time in our new home since Christmas Eve, and we've been successfully running a generator to charge our batteries, from which we run the inverter to power the items we consider electric necessities.
But - yesterday the generator broke down. It is in the shop now, and we are praying that it will be repairable, but we aren't totally optimistic. It was a lack of oil in the engine problem, which can be a life-ender for these machines.
I am using the last bit of power available to me now, to cool down the fridge one more time, and let people know that we might be disappearing from the internet again for a bit of time. Please pray with us that the generator repair will be do-able. If that does't work out, we'll be purchasing a new generator, but budget restraints (and lack of availability in Honduras) will almost certainly require us to purchase a smaller, less powerful, and less reliable generator than the one we have been using.
Thanks for praying!
You have my prayers!
so sorry to hear about your generator woes! praying that it survives to power you for many many more days! And if not that a suitable and equally powerful one is available soon.
Love Beth
Egads! Praying, Trish!!!
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