Friday, August 12, 2011

Doing Chores in Lempira

Running errands

Gathering firewood for cooking

Washing laundry at the pila

Preparing food


Here's a reminder - we're collecting now for the Gifts for Gracias Christmas gift project. I've been asked about the different ways to participate. You could:
1. Create a shoebox gift (or more than one) for a child, following the directions on the info page.

2. Create a family gift (or more than one). These directions are also on the info page.

3. Donate items which we can use, in conjunction with other donated items, to create shoebox gifts or family gifts ourselves. Some have suggested purchasing one item in bulk, on Amazon, works best for them - this is fabulous for us!

4. Collect and donate good used clothing and bedding. We use the best of these items in gifts, and those items which aren't quite as nice go out into use as well, just not in a gift box.

5. Donate money, through our general account, to help defray the cost of shipping and other costs related to the project.
Shipping and collection location information is also on the info page. Thanks so much for your support and participation!


Patty said...

Trish, may I post a link to this on FB? It shows so well what privileged lives all my friends live; and why we all have an obligation to be our brothers and sisters keepers.

Trish said...

Absolutely Patty! Please feel free to share.

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Great pictures of everyday life!