Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Backlog of Photos

Wildflowers from our hillside, arranged in the kitchen by Rachel

We recently hosted a medical team, and they worked in the hospital you can see in this photo. The shot was taken from a scenic overlook in the town of Gualcince.

Here's the view from the same location, looking off over a mist-filled valley

These are neighbors and good friends of ours, who live in the community of Catulaca.

Just a photo I like of a typical house in our part of the country

Rachel's funny-looking puppy, Pebbles. Pebbles was solid black for several months, and then she started growing in white hairs, ending up with this white/black combo. She doesn't really have bright blue eyes; I think that's the puppy version of a red-eye photo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was wondering about those eyes. I figured you had purchased colored vanity contacts for the pup!