We've had quite a string of days with heavily overcast skies - about 5 in a row now. It's a bit like living inside a cloud. With this kind of weather we bring very little power in through our solar panels, and so we live a limited existence. In the evenings we can't run any electronic items for entertainment, but that isn't the worst of it. We can't bake anything. We end up reducing the number of hours a day we run the freezer, and after several days of low power we've even had to unplug the refrigerator a few times. Ben isn't able to do the part of his schoolwork that requires him to use the computer (he's heartbroken about that, I'm sure), and I'm using the laptop computer for my work, instead of the desktop, to save on power that way.
Last night, I really wanted to follow the election results as they came in, but the amount of power stored in the batteries at the end of the day (I should say: at the end of what passes for daylight hours right now) was unusually low - in fact, it was about the amount we would normally have in the batteries in the morning before the sun rises, after using power out of the batteries all night. So, we unplugged everything in the house except the laptop computer and the internet modem, and sat around in the dark watching the results roll in.
According to the sketchy weather predictions we get here, we should expect this cloudy weather to continue through the beginning of next week. We'll certainly be glad to see the sun again, when the clouds finally decide to give us a peek of it!
I had to come home early from my work to let a repairmen in the house. From my vantage point near El Picacho near Tegucigalpa, it looks like snow is forming over the city. And the residents are responding in like fashion: jackets, coats, scarves, boots. Right now, it's 70 degrees in the city, which is just about the point where people here get really cold. My workers didn't want our children to have to sit through a Bible lesson b/c they would too cold. We fed them chicken soup and sent them home.
I just read of an earthquake in Guatemala and am wondering if t has affected you.
|o|, Ang
Laurie - we're cold here, too! AND, we had chicken soup for dinner, too! I also made biscuits in a skillet on top of the stove, for the first time ever. It's dipping into the high 50's!
Angie - we didn't feel it, which surprises me, as we had a slightly smaller earthquake a few years ago, at a similar distance, that really shook things up in our area. I don't know why we didn't feel anything from this one.
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