The most amazing Pastor Training Conference ever - and - LOTS of requests for help with church planting projects!

Construction in adobe bricks (the cheapest method) has to be done during dry weather, and the roof must be installed before the rainy season arrives, to protect the hand-made, sun-dried bricks. The other reason for the rush to finish is, of course, so that the new congregation will have a place to gather, out of the rain, when the weather changes.
Now, here's the challenge. There are only a few weeks left until the rainy season really gets going (official start is May 15th). We don't have the funds to help purchase the materials for all of these roofs, but we are certain God wants the people of those villages coming together for worship! The cost to purchase the materials is under $1000 per church, and the labor will be donated by each pastor and fledgling congregation. With the price of the entire roof being this cheap, it doesn't take a lot of money to make a big impact!
Perhaps you are one God has called, to assist these Honduran church planters with their ministries - to be a part of spreading the gospel message in the rural mountain villages of Western Honduras. Donations of any size will help, as we rush to meet the challenge of getting these roofs on before the rains begin!
To Donate by Mail, send checks to:
The Foundation for Missions
PO Box 560233
Orlando, Florida 32856-0233
- Make check payable to "The Foundation" -
- Write "preferenced for Sowers Ministry, church construction" on an enclosed paper -
To Donate Online:
Click on THIS LINK to donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account. Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Sowers Ministry, church construction" in the box requesting "additional specifics on
Click on THIS LINK to donate online using credit card, debit card, or automatic monthly donations from your bank account. Make sure that you choose "Missionary Support" from the drop down menu, and type in "Sowers Ministry, church construction" in the box requesting "additional specifics on
how to use the gift."
- If additional instructions or information are needed for donating,
please don't hesitate to call The Foundation for Missions, at 407-730-3364.
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