If this blog were a television show, this would be what is known as a flashback episode. If this were a television show from my childhood, a slightly more attractive than average family would be sitting in their living room flipping through a scrapbook. We’re going to try to accomplish the same feel by having you reread a blogpost Trish published on March 19th of this year about a point of crisis in the feeding center program. You really should go back and read it for yourself, but I’ll give a brief recap.
Kids in Honduras are going hungry. (Insert some sad music because that is bad, bad, bad!)
The Sowers can ship and import meals for hungry children for 2 measly cents per meal. (That is crazy cheap, so we should insert gasps from the audience.)

Now, we can put aside the virtual scrapbook and focus on the present day situation. It is like déjà vu all over again, except this time we’re talking about taking on 13 additional feeding centers! Those with less faith might say, “Hey, we can’t feed the world!” The Sowers say, “We may not be able to feed the world, but God can provide the food we need to feed those who ask us!” And that is how they came up with the following list of pastors who have registered to feed children in their local communities of Western Honduras.
Please look over the list and pray about helping to sponsor the children at these feeding centers - the cost shown is the amount to feed those children for an entire YEAR! You stepped up to the plate before and Sowers4Pastors has full faith that people will feel led to step up to this current plate. Even if you can’t help financially at this time, you can pray for the ministry and share this post with others.
- Alicia Margarita, in La Canada San Rafael, feeding 45
children - $90
- Adelso
Lopez, in Santa Teresa, feeding 193 kids (1x week) - $193
- Berta Clara Guevara, in Gracias Lempira, feeding 250 kids - $500
- Digno Aguilar, in Retumbadora San Juan, feeding 28 kids - $56- Berta Clara Guevara, in Gracias Lempira, feeding 250 kids - $500
- Danny Hernandez Bautista, in San Rafael, feeding 72 kids - $144
- Edmundo Perdomo, in La Iguala, feeding 55 kids - $110
- Felipe Vasquez Miranda, in Montanita, feeding 52 kids (1x week) - $52
- Felipe Diaz Perez, in Olominas La Iguala, feeding 28 kids - $56
- Gladis Yolanda Ramirez, in Florida, Copan, feeding 58 kids - $116
- Israel Galvez, in La Playona, feeding121 kids (1x per week) - $121
- Juan Angel Benitez, in Rodeo Pinal, feeding 49 kids - $98
- Jose Juvenal Erazo, in Berea, feeding 63 kids - $126
- Miguel Chicas, in San Juan, feeding 17 kids (1x week) - $17
For information on how to donate to the Sowers4Pastors Feeding Program, click on that jazzy blue line. If you want to pay to sponsor one particular pastor's feeding center, from the list above, add that info into the donation form - and let Trish know that you've done that, so she can turn that name red on the list! (Cue the closing credits and theme song because this concludes our flashback episode.)
- posted by Christi
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