Saturday, February 4, 2017

Still Empowering Pastors

Do you remember the Wendy’s television commercials from the 1980s, which featured Clara Peller in a non-Wendy’s restaurant, looking at a giant hamburger bun with a minuscule meat patty, and inquiring, “Where’s the beef?” The adorable grandma figure had a hankering for meat and she didn’t care who knew it! She simply wanted to know where to turn. Well, a group of indigenous pastors in Western Honduras have a hankering for spiritual meat and they’ve turned to Sowers4Pastors’ Pastor Training School.

Spiritual Starter Foods

This year, 38 such pastors will begin their 2nd year of study with the school. An additional 25 students are preparing to start their 1st year of study in, what has always been, a three year program. Yes, 63 pastors will be exposed to ever “meatier” information. Now, that’s thrilling enough, but there’s more to the story.

Spiritual Steak

A group of Pastor Training School graduates approached Sowers4Pastors in search of more of that spiritual meat we previously mentioned. They went through the basics anywhere from 5-7 years ago. They started with spiritual milk, learning the basics to help them become better pastors. Over their three years as students, they worked their way through more intensive materials, chomping away at some really satisfying hamburgers. And that was good.

The graduates went on to become leaders and supervisors of their denominations, and that was even better. Most have anywhere from five to twenty pastors serving under them. You might think that would be enough for them to be content. But these men are hungry for more of that spiritual meat. They want to move past the great burgers and work their way up to steak! Not the cheap stuff, but a nice, thick, spiritual t-bone!

These pastors have asked to come back and do more in depth studying--wishing to move to the next level of education. They have begged for an opportunity to go through a program that will help them enlarge their biblical knowledge and learn to be better mentors to those serving under them. Sowers4Pastors is looking forward to administrating a supervisor’s advanced training course.

As Allen said, “We are praising the Lord for that. We’re still empowering pastors. Maybe that should be the title of this post. Still Empowering Pastors… What do you think?”

I think, “If the title fits, use it!” - posted by Christi

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