Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Busy, Busy, Busy!

I've fallen behind on posting on the blog . . . so this post actually describes events that happened a couple of weeks ago . . .

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Surprise, surprise! It’s a busy week for the Sowers. How busy is it? It’s so busy they just might sort of forget about a scheduled phone call to discuss a blog post. Yeah, it’s that busy! The call happened, however, because a Sowers always comes through in the end.

Allen shared this week’s activities with me. After a week at MK Camp, Russell drove home, spent a night, then headed off to pick up a visiting team. Lighthouse Church from Maryland is back. Last year, their team built a bridge in a week. This trip, the team of eighteen is working in two groups. They’ve busted out the paint supplies and VBS materials.

The painting team is sprucing up the “daughter” church of their sister church. The church plant is growing by leaps and bounds because of its location. Lighthouse’s sister church is in a remote mountain region with a population of around 100 people. The daughter church is in an area with more people. Allen speculated that it won’t be long before the daughter church is larger than the sister church. Gulp. They grow up so quickly, don’t they?

The paintbrush wielding group is also working on painting the interior of Russell and Iris’s new house. Allen believes they will probably finish about half of the interior. Allen is working with the painting team.

As for the other team, they are putting on four days of VBS in three locations. That’s three VBS sessions per day for four days! They are working at three schools, which are affiliated with their sister or plants by the sister church. There are approximately eighty kids at each of the three schools.

Allen said, “They got permission to go into the schools and do an evangelistic presentation. It’s hardcore Christianity!”

That hardcore Christianity involves presenting each of the four gospels on a different day. Each VBS session lasts two hours. They include game time, arts and crafts time, memory verse time, and music. The team breaks off into different classrooms and the kids rotate through. Each session begins with a wordless drama or skit. The team has taken the time to memorize some fun worship songs in Spanish, however.

That concludes this week’s conversation because, you know… Busy, busy, busy! - posted by Christi

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