Friday, September 15, 2017

The Importance of Writing Back

As we mentioned in a previous post, the children of the mountains of Western Honduras have been busy writing letters. Specifically, the children enrolled in any one of the Sowers4Pastors feeding centers have been busily writing letters to their sponsors. And that brings us to today’s topic: The Importance of Writing Back!

A lot of sponsors, while happily fulfilling their financial promises, may not realize the opportunity for relationship building provided by a sponsorship. These kids love to write AND receive letters. They aren’t sending form letters! They are sending letters and drawings that give a little glimpse into their unique personalities.  

Sometimes people read what’s going on with the Sowers and ask, “Has Sowers4Pastors changed its focus? Are you still about empowering pastors?” The answer to that is: Sowers4Pastors is abso-tively posi-lutely about empowering pastors! Even the sponsorship program letter writing campaign is ultimately about empowering pastors.

Writing and receiving mail can be fun, but it doesn’t tend to be life changing. The relationship a sponsor has with a child is cross cultural. There’s only so much that relationship is going to grow. Most sponsors will never actually meet their sponsored children. But the pastors…

The pastors and Sunday school teachers are THERE. They know the children at their feeding centers. They know their families, their struggles, and their joys. By writing a letter to your sponsored child, you have the opportunity to encourage that child to stay in school and be involved in church (where they can continue to grow a relationship with their pastor, and, ultimately, with Jesus). Think of writing a letter as relationship building--once removed!

Even if you never meet your child… Even if your relationship with the child never goes beyond a few friendly letters… You still have the opportunity to help build some incredibly important relationships! And that is well worth the cost of a stamp!

- posted by Christi

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Thank you so much for teaching these children to write to those who are giving of themselves for them. Relationship is very important, you are so right about that. But I know that when my husband and I give and hear nothing back about our gifts, we can only think the gifts weren't very important to the recipients. When we receive a heartfelt thank-you, we want to give all the more! If we get a form letter thank-you with a card for further giving, we tend to not follow-up. Our giving is sacrificial, so we want to know that it's meaningful. Nothing says that better than a sincere hand-written thank you letter.