Thursday, May 23, 2019

Prayer Requests and Praises

We interrupt your regularly scheduled blog to present you with a list of current prayer requests and praises for Sowers4Pastors!

Prayer Requests

Ministry Transition

As you know, Sowers4Pastors has been steadily undergoing a transition to have Russell take over the ministry. For the time being, Allen is continuing to oversee parts of the ministry, while Russell assumes more and more responsibilities. Please pray for unity of vision and actions, as these two strong leaders attempt to work in tandem! 

The Missionary Team Unit

As the ministry has grown, so has the number of people working with Sowers4Pastors. Gone are the days when only people named Sowers were involved in the ministry. Now, the entire Hall family has moved to Honduras, Kelsea is on hand, and there are many indigenous employees. This is a very good thing, but it also means there are a lot of different personalities working together. While everyone has the same goals, their personal approaches may be different. 

Each Team Member’s Walk with God

It is often difficult for missionaries to find a small group or a supportive fellowship body. The people involved with Sowers4Pastors are all at very different life stages, regarding age, families, etc…, and can sometimes find it difficult to find a good "fit" for filling their spiritual growth needs. 

Balance of Ministry

As the ministry has grown, it has become more important to sometimes say “no” to people or good opportunities. Pray that Sowers4Pastors will be able to discern not just good things, but the best things. Pray that they will continue to seek God’s will for what He would have them focus their energies on.

Food Shipment

Due to a crisis in Africa, a shipment of food was diverted to meet the need there. A substitute shipment is now on its way to Sowers4Pastors, but it has not yet made it through customs. The ministry is having to ration food among its 150 feeding centers. This is a particularly crucial time because families have used up their surplus income from the coffee season and the gardens are not yet ready to harvest.


Downtime doesn’t come naturally to the Sowerses. Pray that they will make a point to take adequate time off for self-care, especially during this particularly busy year.

Ben’s Journey into Adulthood

Ben is turning 18 this year. It’s a big time of transition for him. Pray that Ben will be able to find himself as an adult and that he will always seek God’s direction in his life.

The Political Situation in Honduras

Pray for Honduras, as a whole. While the Christian church is growing, there continues to be a widespread culture of corruption, gangs, and drug trade in the country. While it doesn’t greatly affect the immediate area around Gracias, pray that the Sowerses will be able to navigate through more dangerous areas safely. 

Preparation for the Backpack Trip

Pray that God will provide the right contacts for the organization. There are a lot of Honduran pastors wanting to expand their feeding centers or sponsorship programs and the Sowerses want to keep the momentum going. This kind of growth requires faithful financial partnership from individuals outside of Honduras.

Train Up New Leaders

Pray for the pastors’ ability to train up new leaders. The growth of children’s ministries has created a situation where many churches are lacking in people willing or able to step up and serve. (The next blog post after this one will share more on this topic.)


Incredible Spiritual Growth in Pastors

Pastors who went through the original Pastor Training School have returned to get more years of education. Pastors are having an incredible impact on their communities. The churches are experiencing explosive growth, which is awesome to see.

Smooth Transition into an Independent Mission Organization

Foundation for Missions was very gracious in allowing Sowers4Pastors to gradually switch over to an independent organization. We praise God for giving us such a smooth transition!

Explosive Growth in Ministry

Continually, more children and their families are coming into relationship with God. The pastors are having an amazing impact, due in part to Pastor Training School, the motorcycle ministry, and receiving Bibles for churches.

 - Posted by Christi

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