Tuesday, September 3, 2019

RJ the Scholar

“Be aware of wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.”
~ Robert Fulghum, All I Really Need to know I Learned in Kindergarten

Just like the little seed in the Styrofoam cup, RJ is sprouting up. He’s a kindergartener now. Let the adventure commence!

Even though new situations can be scary, RJ has an extraordinary support system at his bilingual school in Gracias. RJ’s teacher, Miss Amy, is the wife of Danny, Sowers4Pastors ministry photographer, as well as the sister of Quito, the ministry videographer. His music teacher is his uncle, Iris’s brother. Two of RJ’s three cousins are students at the school. Kim and Jonathon Hall’s three children attend the school. A number of the people who work as translators for Sowers4Pastors (or who translate letters for Manna 4 Lempira) are current high school students at the school, or recent graduates. Ben used to attend there, too.

Trish laughed and pointed out, “Nobody worries too much about RJ falling through the cracks!”

Normally, a bilingual school means the children come in speaking Spanish and learn to speak English while they are there. In this school, a smattering of children come in speaking only English and have to learn Spanish. The children of other members of the missionary community attend there, though Trish doesn't think any of them are in kindergarten. RJ is unique because he already speaks English and Spanish, though his English is stronger. Nana, er, Trish thinks RJ’s teacher may have a challenge on her hands because he in coming well prepared!

Kindergarten for RJ is a classy affair. The kids wear nice dress clothes to school, so RJ dons a tie each day instead of the typical 5-yr-old boy attire. Once a week, students get to wear a sports uniform for PE day.

The school also has an impressive backdrop. The buildings are tucked up against the tallest mountain in Honduras. The school grounds are beautifully landscaped. At recess, the well-dressed youngsters can be seen running around and playing hard--dress clothes and all.

So far, things seem to be going great. I’m sure Trish will be available to give us periodic updates.

 - posted by Christi

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