Monday, September 28, 2020

The One Where Trish Joins the Act

 If you are keeping close tabs on the 2020 Backpack Collection, you will be happy to know that the first leg of the journey has officially ended. Two Penske trucks were filled with boxes of backpacks and those boxes have been unloaded in Maryland. 

The second and third legs of this trip will be done by Allen and Kirstin. Their itinerary is full and some nights, their packed schedule will only allow for seven hours of time spent outside of a truck. That’s seven hours to eat dinner, shower, sleep, dress, so they can do it all over again the next day. 

Having completed his drive across the U.S. to collect backpacks, Russell is getting ready to head back to Honduras for a little while. He will be able to handle things there and spend some quality time with Iris, RJ, and Abby. He will then head back to the States to help load the container in Florida. It’s just going to be a short trip because he has something very important on his calendar for fall--the birth of RJ and Abby’s new sibling! 

In an interesting turn of events, Trish will soon be ending her many months of COVID-19 quarantine by hopping on an international flight to the U.S. (She really doesn’t do things half way!) The Sowers family doesn’t often get a chance to have a family reunion, but all of the Sowers offspring except Ben will be in the same place at the same time. The opportunity was too big to miss, so Trish will be joining them in Florida. The family will be together for a few days and Trish will return home with Allen in December.

Before anyone knew about COVID-19, Trish was scheduled to attend a writer’s conference in the U.S. in May. The event, which was postposted, has been rescheduled for the time when Trish will be here. It looks like Trish will be able to attend the conference after all. That’s great news for all of us who are eager to see her picture on the back of a book jacket! 

Trish will also be making a trip to Maryland to take care of some harp issues. Yes, that’s h-a-r-p issues. During last year’s backpack trip, Trish’s harp was picked up in Chicago after having been repaired. The harp was then driven to Maryland, where Trish was supposed to visit in the spring to determine what to do with it. She plans to list it for sale, but this isn’t like listing something to your neighborhood garage sale site. In the harp world, this is the equivalent to selling a concert grand piano. If you know of anyone in the market for a quality harp…

After all of the backpacks have been collected, the containers have been filled, the relatives have been hugged, the writer has been conferenced, and the harp has been listed for sale, Allen and Trish will return to Honduras to hold grandbaby #4, who should be a few weeks old by then

Trish holding grandbaby number 3 a few years ago

-posted by Christi.

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