Psst.. Hey, you. Yes, you. Check this out. Do you remember reading about the container of food that was recently gifted to Sowers4Pastors? You remember, right? The food that has just been waiting to be shipped to Honduras where it will be distributed to feeding centers? Yeah, it’s all coming back to you, I can tell.
A large donation of food is always a big ol’ deal to the ministry. But with food prices up by 50% over last year’s costs, this donation is a supremely huge thing. Shipping costs have also gone up by 50%, but… drumroll, please… two people have come forward with a matching funds challenge. This is where you come in, so pay close attention.
The cost of shipping the container of donated food will be about $15,000. But with the matching funds challenge, Sowers4Pastors is only responsible for raising $7,500. That still sounds like a lot of money, doesn’t it. Well, it is, but the cost per meal will still be minimal. Even at $15,000 for shipping, each meal will cost about 3 cents. But, we’re no longer talking about the full cost of shipping. We’re only talking about HALF of the total shipping cost!
This is your opportunity to donate toward the shipping cost. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar, meaning that you can provide a meal to a malnourished child for well under 2 cents. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Put your 2 cents in.”
With a deal like this, you can make your donation dollars stretch like a basket of loaves and fishes. For the sake of easy math, let’s round your cost per meal all the way up to 2 cents. That means that a $100 donation can purchase 5,000 meals. A $10 donation will provide 500 meals. You simply are not going to find a better return on your investment anywhere else.
You can even make a donation in someone else’s name just in time for Christmas. Instead of purchasing another gift card for the person who has everything, you can give the gift that keeps on giving. These opportunities don’t come up as often as they have in the past, so don’t let this one slide by.
Allen and the shipping company have been working really hard, and seem to have found a solution to the crazy shipping problem that will get the food to Honduras in a timely manner.
As always, Sowers4Pastors is so grateful for their prayer and financial partners who help make this food available to the pastors, who then feed the children physically and spiritually.
- posted by Christi
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