Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Missionaries Helping Missionaries

In case you’ve ever wondered, the name of Sowers4Pastors wasn’t chosen lightly. It’s not like they were playing Scrabble and needed to use p-a-s-t-o-r-s to get a triple word score. Nope. Sowers4Pastors is truly FOR (or 4) pastors. Because they are for pastors, they also actively search for other ministries that are also looking for ways to empower indigenous pastors.

They shy away from ministries that involve a North American missionary interested in planting one church. Instead, they use their resources for ministries that assist indigenous pastors to plant churches. Think of it in terms of a workout. If you have a limited amount of time, you’re better off to choose something that’s going to give you the maximum results in the most efficient way possible. When it comes to ministries, Sowers4Pastors partners with groups that have a high impact and high productivity. In the event that North Americans are ever asked to leave the country, it is important to find ministries that are self-sustaining.

The support of other missionaries isn’t a one-way street. Recently, Sowers4Pastors got involved by giving 100,000 meals to Tree of Life, which provides meals and empowers pastors to distribute them. Tree of Life takes advantage of the knowledge of indigenous pastors. In a symbiotic relationship between mission organizations, Tree of Life also helps Sowers4Pastors get their containers through customs by handling some of the legal/paperwork stuff. When they needed food, Sowers4Pastors was happy to be able to help out.

Staff at 61 Isaiah

Sowers4Pastors has also been helping out the 61 Isaiah ministry, led by Shannon Hopkins. Located in Gracias, is a more denominational mission, which also works with indigenous pastors. Shannon oversees the teaching of a pastors training school which Sowers4Pastors is involved in funding. Sowers4Pastors is involved in a second pastors training school, operated with Seeds of Salvation. In both instances, Sowers4Pastors helps out with resources and the other organizations do the teaching. Years ago, Sowers4Pastors was doing their training school by using the teaching talents of indigenous pastors with more advanced degrees.

Pastors trained by Seeds of Salvation

Recently, Sowers4Pastors began helping Shannon with the 61 Isaiah radio station. The radio station is a place to broadcast sermons by local pastors. It operates by charging each pastor for the airtime used. In order to increase the number of pastors on air, Sowers4Pastors has come alongside to provide scholarships for pastors. This station has the ability to reach about 2 million people across Western Honduras. Shannon doesn’t preach on the station. Instead, he empowers indigenous pastors to reach the masses. Sowers4Pastors is always looking for partnerships that empower the indigenous pastor.

Last week, Sowers4Pastors asked Shannon to assist them by leading a ministry staff retreat/conference. Shannon agreed to give up three days of his time to help them. The Sowers4Pastors missionary staff returned from the conference encouraged and focused.

As Allen explained, they want to empower other ministries to empower indigenous pastors. In return, the other ministries empower Sowers4Pastors to empower indigenous pastors. It’s a matter of looking at the resources that each group brings to the table. It’s the body of Christ working together for the glory of God.

-posted by Christi

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