Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Jumble of Prayer Requests and Praises

This started out as a list of prayer requests. But, as is common in life, there are many praises as well. See how many of each you can spot!

Stateside Sister Church Fire

Life Community Church in Hilliard, Ohio has always been willing to lend a helping hand and support to its sister church in Western Honduras. On Sunday, July 10th, LCC had a large fire. As far as large fires go, the timing couldn’t have been better. The Sunday morning congregation had gone home but the staff members hadn’t cleared out yet. They were able to react quickly. Even so, there was a significant amount of fire, smoke, and water damage to all parts of the building. The news stories reported that 30-foot flames were seen lapping out of the building.

To make matters even more critical, LCC houses a community food pantry. Obviously, this is impacting a lot of people who rely on the food pantry. 

Please pray for LCC as they go through the restoration and rebuilding process. 

Backpack Trip

This year's backpack collection trip will kick off on September 7th. There will be a lot of changes to the route this year and S4P will be announcing the details soon. As always, the backpacks will need to make it to Maryland and Florida where they will eventually go onto containers, to be shipped to Honduras. Please pray for wisdom as many decisions are being made.

Training School and Events

Pastor Training School is having a huge year. Eighty pastors are attending. The training is needed by so many pastors throughout the area. Over the years, we've seen what a major impact the pastor training has had!

On July 15th, Alejandro and Cesia led a teachers’ training session, not related to the school for the pastors. This was for Sunday school teachers, as well as some public school teachers who teach the Bible curriculum in their classrooms. Allen shared, “It’s always a great opportunity to have the Bible lessons in the public schools - and it’s even greater when the teacher is a Christian sharing their faith with students in day-to-day life, as well as during the lessons.”

It is a praise that Alejandro, Secia, and Esdras (all newcomers to the Gracias area) are being asked to preach and do training events throughout the local community. People are taking notice of their abilities. The training events are all part of the S4P mission of empowering pastors and indigenous church leaders, Sunday school teachers, etc!

Roof Requests

There has been a record number of church roof requests. Please pray for wisdom and discernment as S4P determines which churches to help at this time. The need for construction funds is currently significantly greater than the available financial resources.

Things that Grow

People continue to ask about the coffee farm. While Allen and Trish are still trying to figure out what the future of the farm will look like, they do know one thing: they are waiting for God’s direction. Trish said, “It is certain that we will not be trying to remake the farm to its former state. There simply isn’t the manpower and financial resources for working that many acres. It is likely that some portion of the farm will be maintained and harvested in the future, however.”

One thing that can go under the praise category is that S4P is participating in a reforestation program offered by an NGO in Honduras. The program gives away small trees to plant and even offers a stipend for fertilizer. There are various types of trees available. Brandy has selected lumber trees, which will offer many benefits. This week, he picked up 1000 red cedar trees. Though they currently stand at about a foot tall, they are fast growing and will provide excellent shade. Coffee plants need shade so this will be beneficial for any areas where coffee continues to be grown. The lumber trees can also be considered an investment. 

Building on the Property

The Sowerses are slooooowly building another residence on their property. The project is hindered by the fact that Honduras is experiencing a labor shortage right now. It’s difficult to keep moving forward without adequate help. Pray that God will help them to find a way to see completion sooner rather than later, as the building is badly needed!

Visiting Teams

Two teams, from Lighthouse church, are presenting VBS programs at various locations, this week and next week. Prayers for everything that goes into making that a success, and for safety for everyone involved.

General Situation in Honduras

There are increasing problems in Honduras that don’t seem to have good solutions. There is an increase in crime at all levels–from petty thefts to murders. There are concerns about gang activity making its way to the Gracias area. Previously, that was only an issue in the big cities.

Economically, things are not good. Plus, there is still a problem of getting teachers in the schools. 

All of these things have led to protests that shut down roads. The protests have historically been a way for smaller communities to get their voices heard. There are not many roads throughout Honduras. When traffic is blocked, people notice and, in order to get things cleaned up and to get traffic moving again, the government will negotiate and listen to grievances. With protests becoming more frequent, it may cause problems for food transport and transporting teams to & from airports. Prayers are requested!

THANK YOU, from everyone at Sowers4Pastors, for lifting up these 

prayer concerns and praises! 

 - posted by Christi

BONUS PHOTO of Levi, just
because of the high level of cuteness! 

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