Thursday, August 31, 2023

When Medical Help is Needed . . .

Medical mercy is always a concern in developing countries - between poor access to healthcare, lack of education and resources and even the increased risk of tropical disease, medical situations can become an endless need. Sowers4Pastors unfortunately can’t help every case brought to them, as there would never be enough funds, but when they can help, they do. They are always grateful when people donate to medical cases that help the people of Honduras. Trish shared about three ongoing cases with which S4P is involved in that can change the lives of the people that are affected. 

Medical Mercy #1–The Tunnel is Never-ending

Not all medical mercy projects come with a firm end-date. Such is the case for Katherine, the 6-year-old daughter of Pastor Marvin in Arenales. Katherine was born with intellectual disabilities that mean she will never function as an adult. She is ambulatory but requires constant supervision due to an inability to follow basic directions and demonstrate self-control. She is still in diapers, creating an added financial burden for the family. She has also suffered from anxiety-like symptoms. Arenales’ sister church, Life Community Church, has stepped in to provide the funds to take the child to see a neurologist and an occupational therapist. She is now on medications to help with anxiety, and is currently in therapy. The primary goals have been to help the little girl learn to recognize and follow some verbal cues, as well as to become potty trained. The therapist is also encouraging exposure to social situations to increase Katherine’s tolerance and decrease her anxiety. 

A S4P staff member sets up the appointments and transportation, often going along to therapy sessions. The actual financial requirement is small but the time commitment is not insignificant. The visits to the occupational therapist mean an hour long bus drive for Katherine and her mom, followed by another hour drive with a S4P staff member - and that is only one way. 

The hope and prayer is that the child will become independent enough to free up enough of the parents’ time so that they can more easily complete their ministry work and basic household chores without constant worry for their daughter’s immediate safety.

Medical Mercy #2–The Light at the End of the Tunnel

During a recent visit by a team from Edgewater Alliance Church to Guacutao, someone spotted a little boy named Oscar with a skin condition. He has what appeared to be some kind of infection on the skin of his forearms and inner elbow - he’s been wearing only long-sleeved clothes because he’s embarrassed about the rash. There are many possibilities about what might cause a mystery rash in Honduras, including malnutrition or a fungal infection from living in a tropical environment. S4P and EAC committed to finding an answer. S4P staff took him to see specialists and after multiple tests, doctors were able to narrow down the possible causes and begin treatment with a medication paid for with funds to be provided by members of the EAC congregation. The infection is starting to show improvement and Oscar’s skin is looking much healthier already, though he will need to continue to take medication until the doctor confirms the infection has been completely eradicated. 

Medical Mercy #3–You Have Arrived!

This one will break your heart, but has a happy ending. A young married couple in the area of Quelacasque desperately wanted a child. After three heartbreaking third trimester miscarriages, it was beginning to look like that wasn’t going to happen. Earlier in the year, when S4P was hosting a medical team, they discovered that the wife, named Marilu, was pregnant again, and the medical team recommended follow-up with an obstetrician to prevent another miscarriage. Praise God, the doctor was able to determine the cause of her miscarriages and the treatment was medications and monitoring. Individuals from the medical team helped cover the expense. Staff members helped Marilu get to her appointments, and Secia stayed in communication with her to ensure that she could contact the doctor in case of emergency. All the efforts paid off in a most adorable way–a shiny, new baby girl named Juanita!

Since Secia is mom to a baby girl herself, she was able to deliver a bunch of newborn baby clothes from her stash. The ministry also contributed to a round of diapers to ease the burden on the young couple. 

None of these three examples required massive amounts of money but they are improving lives one act of caring & compassion at a time. If you would like to help more of these projects possible, you can earmark a donation to Medical Mercy Projects through the Sowers4Pastors website


Secia delivers diapers and baby clothes to the very happy new parents!

- posted by Christi

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