Thursday, October 9, 2008

Sorry to have been so silent . . .

Of course we've been pretty busy the past couple of days with all of the unpacking, but the reason I haven't posted has more to do with the power being out more than it has been on lately. This hasn't been a major problem, it has probably even helped me get more unpacking done, as I wasn't tempted to spend time on the computer. It has, however, put us waaaay behind on our laundry.

Generally, I try to wash laundry every day, and we try to dry as much as possible on the clothesline. When it is very rainy, or when we fall behind, we use the dryer to help us get caught up. I'm so spoiled to have a dryer! However, since our move, we haven't yet connected the dryer (it uses a special electrical outlet, and in our last house Allen had to create the connection for us). So, I can only dry laundry on the line right now. With power outages (can't use the washing machine) and rain (can't dry on the clothesline) our dirty laundry pile is becoming quite a mountain!

Today, we gave up, and washed several loads in huge washtubs out on the porch. Happily, it was a hot, sunny day, and we were able to dry everything we'd washed before dark. We are very hopeful that the forecast for tomorrow will be sunny with a good chance of electricity!


Beth said...

Thank God for sunshine! Just another one of those God-gifts I tend to take for granted until I don't have it! Praying for sunny days and electricity when you really need it! : ]

Randall and Rachel Beita said...

Trish, I have been praying for you and your move. I am so glad your kids have helped so much. I don´t have a dryer here in Costa Rica and so I have to get up early to wash and hang stuff in the little sun we get. Some days there is no sun and if I have to wash I put it on the line under the roof but sometimes it jsut seems to get wetter. I PRAY for sunshine so I can wash. I will be praying you get some as well.

Grateful for Grace said...

Glad to hear the move went well (eventually) and that you are settling in. I love my washer and dryer. You are quite the testimony talking about washing on the porch and line drying.