Friday, March 5, 2010

A Surprising Outcome

It's been a crazy week!

On Monday, there was the car accident.

Allen and Russell returned from their trip to the port (to arrange for the customs on the container) on Tuesday.

On Wednesday (around 4:30 pm), the truck carrying the container arrived in Gracias. We knew the truck couldn't make the trip up the road to our property, so Allen had arranged for two smaller local trucks (which are able to traverse rougher roads) to meet the delivery truck in town. With a crew of about 18 people, the entire contents of the container was unloaded from one truck, and reloaded into the other trucks. Then those trucks, along with the crew, drove to the property, and unloaded everything, again, into our bodega/house. We finished at about 12:30am.

Thursday morning, at 4:30, Allen and Russell drove the 4 hours to El Progresso, for their morning court appointment, for the ruling on the car accident. Amazingly, the ruling was in our favor! This means that we won't have to pay for the repairs to the other car. The driver of the other car convinced us that he couldn't afford to pay for our repairs (as well as paying for his own repairs - auto insurance isn't common here and often doesn't pay). Allen made the decision to have the other driver pay only 1000 Lempiras (about $50), so that it would be clear on the record that the court had found against him (not us) in the accident.

We have much to be grateful for here. In truth, this is a better outcome than we'd expected.


J said...

I am glad it turned out in your favor!

Patty said...

We do serve an awesome God, don't we? He hears our prayers and sees to our needs. And even tea lights work, see! O:-)

Beth said...

Prayer changes things, and God changes us when we pray. Glad to hear it all worked out so well. Especially glad that no one was seriously injured!

The Unlikely Homeschooler said...

Oh that's wonderful! Saying a prayer of thanks.