While the programs aren’t new, they are definitely experiencing a growth spurt. Here’s a smattering of what’s happening in the mountains of Honduras:
Summer School for Pastors
School is not out for summer, as there are currently 50 pastors in training school! Think about it. That means there will soon be 100 more feet roaming the remote villages to spread the gospel. The pastors attend training school free of charge. Interested parties can sponsor a student for $250 per school year--providing food and housing for a student to attend school 3 days per month for 9 months. It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving.
Hitting the Roads
While we’re not tearing up the roads on our bikes, and would be hard-pressed to tell you the last time we rode on the handlebars, bikes are very much a part of our ministry. Okay. The bikes are actually motorcycles, but, hey, we’re making a point here. Eighteen indigenous missionaries and pastors have put in requests for motorcycles to help them visit multiple churches each week.
The Early Bird Builds the Church
There’s no sleeping in for anyone involved in the church construction projects, which are underway. With help in planning, congregations are building their own new churches, providing them with a sense of accomplishment, as well as brand new structures. There are currently 24 requests for new churches and Sowers 4 Pastors will fill as many of those as funds allow.
Better Than a Fudgsicle
Better Than a Fudgsicle

Far more exciting than ice cream trucks, there are 22 new feeding centers, bringing the total number up to 132. That means more than 13,000 children are each being fed two nutritious meals every week. Sowers 4 Pastors provides the food, while local pastors run their individual feeding centers.
Manna 4 Lempira:
The Manna 4 Lempira program allows individuals to sponsor a child for $15 per month. Sponsored children are provided with two nutritious meals a week through feeding centers at local churches. In addition, they receive things such as school shoes, school supplies, discipleship, and other benefits throughout the year.
We’ll take that over Fudgsicles any day, and believe you me, we love Fudgsicles.
The Ministry Boom
Over the years, Allen has had a 100% hands-on role in every aspect of our ministry—splitting his time between construction projects, pastor training school, opening feeding centers, distribution of gifts, communicating with supporters, and fundraising. Fortunately, he also spent years training up Russell, who is following in his footsteps. Now Russell is taking on many of the responsibilities involved in the day-to-day administration of ministries and projects, which allows Allen to spend more time focusing on other details without running the risk of fizzling out like a dud firecracker. We are so grateful for God’s provision as we continue to strive to meet both the practical and spiritual needs of the people of Western Honduras.
- posted by Christi
Christi Blevins Pelt is a special friend and a talented writer. She's done professional ghost writing work for others in the past, but for us she's doing real-live-person writing, to help us keep the communications flowing from our ministry to you. Welcome to the ministry and to the blog, Christi!
Yay, Christi! Nice job. And a great update!
Excited about the addition of Christi as a writer! :)
Thanks for the update - excited to see Christi joining the ministry.
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