Thursday, September 1, 2016

A Leap of Faith

We recently posted about Sowers4Pastors turning in applications to try to get funding for twelve new motorcycles for indigenous pastors to another charitable organization. They’ve since received word that the requests were not approved, because quotas have already been filled. Now, most of you have probably been around long enough to know that is not the end of this story. That is where the Sowers said, “Challenge accepted!”

Here’s the deal:

As you know, Sowers4Pastors isn’t about giving handouts. The pastors who receive the motorcycles must demonstrate themselves to be good candidates for motorcycle ownership. The motorcycle recipients are meticulously screened before they get their wheels. Only the most industrious and hardworking pastors who can afford to maintain and use them receive motorcycles.

That means they are expected to have the ability to put together enough money to keep a motorcycle running and in good repair. After all, it doesn’t do anyone any good to have a motorcycle, but no gas or working spark plugs!

Each individual must also raise a portion of the money needed to purchase his motorcycle. The ability to do so shows who has a tremendous desire to acquire a new mode of transportation, and the ability to pay for future repairs and maintenance.

Here’s the rest of the deal:

Do you remember those requests for funding that weren’t approved by an organization whose mission is to help purchase motorcycles for indigenous pastors? Yeah, those requests. Well, those pastors who requested motorcycles have already lived up to their end of the bargain. They’ve already paid their deposits. They’ve already shown the ability to maintain a motorcycle.

Oh, sure, Sowers4Pastors could return the deposits to those who have lived up to their end of the bargain and say, “Hey, look, guys, we tried.” They could do that. But they won’t. They have far too much integrity to go back on their promise to do everything in their power to help these pastors purchase motorcycles. Plus, it’s not like the motorcycles were promised for joyriding; they were promised to help pastors minister to their flocks and spread the Gospel.

As usual, Allen, Trish, and Russell have decided to take a leap of faith. They are asking you to consider earmarking a donation for the purpose of purchasing motorcycles. Take a look at the bios of some of the men and women who have paid their deposits, and pray about whether or not God would have you give to this oh-so-worthy cause. In order to purchase these motorcycles, the Sowers need to come up with $1000 per bike - for a total of $12,000! While that's a lot of money to raise . . . once again the Sowers are saying: "Let's see what God will do!"

Here are short biographies of some of the Honduran missionaries and pastors involved:

1. Glenia received Christ as her savior as a child of 7, though her family's involvement in a local church in Comayagua Honduras. Now at 31, and a single mom of four (her husband left her and their children), Glenia has been working in ministry for the past three years, specifically in evangelism and music ministry. She is currently a "Children's Missionary" with her denomination. To support her family, Glenia owns and runs a small fruit market. Glenia's ministry duties include overseeing the Sunday School and other children's ministries of churches in the department of Yoro. The denomination is making Christian education for children a high priority, and the use of a motorcycle will allow Glenia to travel to the various churches in her area, to oversee their children's programs.

2. Pastor Jose Edin grew up in the small community of Hojas Anchas, La Iguala, in a Christian home. He's 28 years old, married, with two children. In 2002, at the age of 14, he dedicated his life to Christ, and one year later he began his ministry as a pastor! He supports his family through agricultural work, growing corn, beans, and coffee.

Pastor Jose Edin preaches in small house churches in villages around his home. The area is very poor, and few people have any form of transportation. With the help of a motorcycle, Pastor Jose Edin can broaden the area he reaches with his preaching and evangelism ministry.
3. Pastor Juan was very ill when he was 18, and the congregation of a local church came to visit and pray for him in his father's home in El Porvenir, Francisco Morazan. He was miraculously healed, and became a follower of Christ as a result of this experience. He is now 54 years old, and has worked in ministry for 34 years. He is married and has 5 children. Pastor Juan works as a pastor of a local church, but he also assists with visiting medical teams who come to his region of the country, and also annually helps with Project Christmas Child's gift distribution. Having a motorcycle would allow him to handle all of these ministry duties more effectively.

4. Pastor Edgar grew up in the rural agricultural area of Santa Rita Copan, where he now works in ministry. He received Christ as a young boy, through his family's involvement in a local church. 55 years old, married, with three children, Pastor Edgar has worked in ministry for the past 27 years. He pastors several small churches and teaches Bible studies. To support his family, he does agricultural work in the nearby coffee fields.

In addition to pastoring several churches, Pastor Edgar supervises other churches affiliated with his denomination. The motorcycle would save him significant transportation time every week, allowing him more time for visitation and Bible study. 5. Pastor Franklin came to Christ as a child of ten, when he was miraculously healed of cancer. Today he is 31 years old, married, with no children, and he has worked as a pastor and evangelist for 8 years. He supports his family working in the nearby coffee fields. Pastor Franklin pastors in a very mountainous, rural region. Having a means of transportation other than walking will allow him to more effectively travel to the villages where he works, and to the Christian retreats he helps run. 6. 40 years old, married, with two children, Pastor Guasne came to Christ as a young man of 25, when a pastor presented the plan of salvation clearly to him, and he prayed to receive Christ. He began working in ministry 4 years ago.

Pastor Guasne preaches in small home churches in various villages in rural Intibuca. The use of a motorcycle will allow him to move more efficiently between villages where he preaches and evangelizes.

7. Pastor Jose Samuel became a Christian 15 years ago, through the evangelism/visitation ministry of a local pastor who came to his home and shared the Gospel with him. At 25 (and unmarried), he has been working as a pastor and evangelist for 3 years, while also supporting himself as a subsistence farmer, growing corn and beans.

Pastor Jose Samuel has a clear view of the big picture - he says that having the use of a motorcycle would allow him to more rapidly reach the "fields that are white for harvest." He plans to use the motorcycle to preach and evangelize in more villages than he can currently visit.
If you would like to help these pastors receive motorcycles to help them in their ministry work, here's how: Click on this link (or this one, if you're in Canada), scroll down to the box labeled "Donate to a Missionary/Ambassador" and find our name "Allen and Trish Sowers" in the drop box (we're very near the bottom) and click on it. Below, type in the amount you'd like to donate, and add a note in "Any Additional Specifics" that you would like your donation to go toward purchasing motorcycles for pastors. Important: please note that you should not use the box labeled "Donate to a program or project" . . . as the office will not know that you desire your donation to go specifically to this group of pastors. Thanks. This got really long - thank you so much for your interest and your support of this ministry!!!

- posted by Christi and Trish

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