Monday, December 10, 2018

A New Opportunity

The world is filled with needs you may have never considered. While it is impossible for one mission organization to address every need, Sowers4Pastors will never be accused of not exploring new ministry opportunities. This particular opportunity is a bit more sensitive in nature. In fact, I’m just going to warn you upfront that we’re talking about providing reusable menstrual products to young women. Go ahead and squirm, just don’t stop reading!

Allen and Trish have some new friends in Pennsylvania who are involved with Days for Girls International (DfG). DfG works to provide quality menstrual care solutions and hygiene education, by distributing menstrual kits.

You may be asking if this is really a need in Honduras. After all, we’re not talking about a remote African village with no access to stores. Color me embarrassed, because until today I never considered this was a need for women in Honduras. The fact is, many families can’t even afford toilet paper and use some, er, creative solutions to deal with that problem. They certainly can’t afford to run to the nearest store and stock up on disposable menstrual products. The products are available; they simply aren’t affordable. That means pubescent girls are missing days of school each month and women are missing work.

That’s where the new ministry opportunity comes in. Sowers4Pastors was given a limited number of boxes containing menstrual kits. In all honesty, these kits do not work in all cultures. Yet, knowing the need for such a product, Allen and Trish feel this is something they should explore. Since the shipping containers were about to be packed, Allen made the decision to purchase additional kits. He wanted to have enough kits to give this program a good trial run-- as sort of a beta ministry. This decision was made even though there are obviously not designated funds for this. Not surprisingly, they are walking by faith.

Due to the somewhat awkward nature of this particular ministry opportunity, Allen and Russell will be stepping aside and finding women who can lead this up. When medical teams visit, female medical staff and teachers will lead workshops to educate the young women. Sowers4Pastors is still working to figure out the logistics, but they are excited about this new opportunity to meet needs and change lives.

If you would like to donate toward the cost of the kits, everyone with Sowers4Pastors would be thrilled. At the moment, there is no special tab to donate to this cause. You can simply put a note in the donation box saying, “For girls’ products.”

There, now… That wasn't too embarrassing, was it?

- posted by Christi

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