Friday, March 1, 2019

Sponsor a Child Online - NOW!

Click here to sponsor Mariela
I don’t know about you, but I love the convenience of online shopping. However, there are a few stores I like to frequent who need Trish to come in and overhaul their websites. I say that because she
has done a beautiful job of getting the new Sowers4Pastors site up and running. I was fortunate enough to get a sneak preview of how people will be able to sponsor a child without ever needing to interact with an actual human. I don’t want to publicly shame any company, by naming actual names, but I think Trish could show “Schmold Schnavy” a thing or two about how to have an intuitive online shopping experience. Let me just say, it is easier to sponsor a child than to find a pair of jeans in your size.

Let’s do a little walk through of how it’s done. From the Sowers4Pastors homepage, you will go the the little dropdown doohickey across the top that says, “Child Sponsorship Programs” and click on the arrow that makes the dropdown magic happen. There, you will see five different headings. If you’re brand new to this, you might want to click on “Learn about our Sponsorship Programs” and "What Every Manna 4 Lempira Sponsor Needs to Know." These are the places to learn valuable information: what benefits the children receive, details for getting letters back and forth, etc. There are even some videos to give you an overview of the entire program and how it works. If you feel you’re pretty well informed and just want to find a child to sponsor, click on “Manna 4 Lempira- See the Children and Set Up Sponsorship HERE”. Got it?

Under “Child Sponsorship,” you will see the very descriptive line that says, “Scroll down to see photos of the children!” Do it! When you select a currently unsponsored child, click on the picture to see the full bio. From that page, you will see, “Sponsor Now”. When it says, “Share-$15,” what that means is that the cost is $15 per month. When you click on “Checkout,” you will see the options to set up a recurring donation monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or yearly. Once you've hit "submit" and your payment has been processed, you've set up your sponsorship!

Other Stuff You May Want To Know:

Click here to sponsor Denis
  • If you are looking to sponsor a child from one of the Sister Church programs, this is NOT where you will find those children. Because the children in those programs are only available for sponsorship to people connected with a particular church, those children aren't shown on the public website. You can get a link from your church, or from Trish, to see the children available in those programs. 
  • By checking the box that says, “Add 3.0% to help cover Sowers4Pastors, Inc.’s transaction fees,” you are helping to defray the cost of paying by credit card. You are free to uncheck that box if you prefer. 
  • If you prefer not to make automatic recurring donations, please know there is no monthly reminder. It is up to you to remember to go in and submit regular payments. Naturally, Sowers4Pastors prefers automatic payments because it is easier for most people, and it also means less work for the Sowers4Pastors office staff. However, for people who get paid at irregular intervals, setting up non-recurring payments is an available option.
  • You will receive an email each time a payment is made through the website - and you'll receive an email if a scheduled payment fails to go through. Emails are also sent each time your child’s bio, photo, or other information is updated. That is super cool, by the way!

Please check out the sponsorship program pages on the website . . . one of those sweet faces just might convince YOU to sponsor a child!

 - posted by Christi

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