Monday, March 4, 2019

When a Blog Writer Goes Rogue

For Trish, working on the new website has not been without its rewards. One reward has been getting to hear some testimonials from sponsors. It’s not that she, Allen, Russell, and the Halls were looking for praise or recognition, but when explaining the program to potential new sponsors, there’s no one better to explain it than existing sponsors. As the people on the homefront in Honduras, the Sowerses were hesitant to mention this in a blog post. (I’m assuming Kim and Jonathan share their sentiment.) Fortunately, I’m given a little leeway when it comes to writing things I believe you will find of interest. And, let the record show, I think you will find this of interest.

Judy Meyers has been sponsoring since the beginning of 2015. She is currently sponsoring 10 children, 8 in Mercedes and 2 in El Tablon. Here’s what she had to say: “ Manna 4 Lempira is a wonderful, hands-on ministry, so involved in the children’s lives and bringing a very personal touch to the sponsor-child relationship through numerous photos throughout the year and enabling children to continue in school through their backpack program. The most important aspect of the ministry is the emphasis on the spiritual development of the children through their involvement with the local church and instilling hope in the lives of the children, their families, and their community.”

For those of you wondering how $15 a month can stretch so far, you are not alone. Alisa Webb, who has been a sponsor since 2016 and who sponsors 14 children, has wondered the same thing. She said, “What I am the most amazed about is how far $15 a month can go! It provides so much, and that’s because the money really is going to the children, families, and churches. I love how it’s a small sponsorship organization, which makes it so much more personalized. I was blessed to be able to travel to Honduras with Manna 4 Lempira last summer and see firsthand the ministries of Manna and Sowers4Pastors in action. It was such a wonderful experience getting to spend time and visit the home of each child that I sponsor. Several families told me that their child would not be in school if it wasn’t for the sponsorship program and the backpacks and school supplies provided.”

Dana Williams shared her love of Manna 4 Lempira when she said, “I love Manna 4 Lempira because they are sharing the love of Christ with so many children and their families in such meaningful ways. I also love that Manna provides the opportunity to share God’s love and hope with the precious children we sponsor to build relationships with them and their families through letters and backpacks. We love our Manna children dearly and are so grateful to be a part of this special ministry.

I told you you’d enjoy hearing what sponsors have to say! These are just a few of the reasons people choose to continue partnering with Manna 4 Lempira and Sowers4Pastors. To read all of the current testimonials, you can check out them out here.

AND, you can find information about sponsoring a child here.

 - posted by Christi

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