Monday, May 16, 2022

Allen and Trish Are Moving - But Not Far!

It’s a good thing Allen and Trish aren’t expected to send out change of address cards every time they move to a different house. If they did send out such cards, they could say something like, “Allen and Trish are moving approximately 20 feet away.” It might be helpful if they would send out an aerial view of the property and we could move colored pins around to keep up with them. Sort of like a map for world travelers to indicate all of the places they’ve visited. If we had such a map, we would all be getting ready to insert a new pin directly beside the previous pin - and you might recall they lived in the bodega at one point as well. Some time in the next year or so they plan to move to the house currently under construction, meaning they will have lived in four different buildings on the property!

Trish's current house in front,
the house she is moving into in
the back.
Russell and Iris have moved into town since their children will be attending the private bilingual school there. Due to COVID restrictions, RJ has been attending school online for half of kindergarten, and all of 1st and 2nd grades. It’s very exciting that the decision has been made for the school to meet in person when school starts up in August. Abby will be joining her big brother since somehow time has flown and she is entering kindergarten. Being closer to the school will make it much easier for Iris. Russell will continue to drive to the property for work each day.

Allen and Trish already had a house under construction. Don’t look for it to be completed for at least a year, though. Since Kirstin has been living in a room behind the office that was really meant to be for storage, Trish and Allen decided to make an extra move by settling into Russell and Iris’s old house until the new house is finished. That will free up their 800 square foot home for Kirstin. The small home will feel palatial to Kirstin after living in a room never intended to be a permanent residence. She can enjoy the little luxuries like a kitchen sink and a non-public bathroom!

The view from the property - the reason Trish (and Allen) chose this location!!

Trish is currently moving in the same way you might carry in a load from Costco–one armload at a time! She’s literally walking the contents of her kitchen and bookshelves over to the other home. Rachel and Kirstin are helping when they have some available time. When Rachel is there, they load up the armload-size stacks into her SUV and drive a few yards to the other house. Trish said it’s amazing how much easier that makes things.

The house currently under construction

It is estimated that Trish and Allen will be completely out of the smaller home in a couple of weeks.

The view from the back porch of 
the home currently under
Trish is grateful that the weather has been mild for the end of the dry season. Normally, this time of year is known for very hot temperatures, but it has been staying in the high 80s. That still means it’s hot in the homes, since they don’t have AC, but it’s not as unpleasant as it has been in past years. There are four more days until it is officially the end of the dry season. Then the rains will come. With any luck, everyone will be all settled in time for this year’s flying termite infestation!

- posted by Christi

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