Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Bible Lessons are Making a Difference!

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Whoa!” Did anyone else sing John 1:1 when you read that? No? Then it is pretty obvious that you never spent months with a kids’ Bible verse cd stuck in your minivan’s player! What can I say? The verses set to tunes flow out of my consciousness at unusual times. And, sitting down to write a post about the importance of Bible lessons in schools and churches in the sister church program, John 1:1 with a very jazzy “Whoa!” at the end of it bubbled up. 

We talk quite a bit about backpacks filled with school supplies, hygiene items, and toys and the impact they have on kids. We know that the free pair of shoes the kids receive can be a game changer. And no one questions the importance of nutrient-dense meals to stave off malnutrition. But maybe we don’t talk about Bible lessons as much as we should. That’s not to suggest that Sowers4Pastors isn't fully aware of the importance of the Bible lessons! 

When Alejandro and Secia joined Sowers4Pastors they immediately understood the importance of finding the right materials to use for the Bible lessons. This was made more challenging by the fact that the children come from a variety of denominations. Some of the parents were adamant that the lessons should not teach a specific doctrine. Secia found materials that teach values according to the Word of God. In that way, the lessons teach about scripture. Sing it if you know the tune! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Whoa!" 

Kids don’t just listen to the lessons. Each child in the program is now given their own book of lessons. This has led to some wonderful testimonials from the teachers.

A teacher in Guacutao (Edgewater Alliance Church’s sponsored sister church) shared that the material isn’t only teaching values. It is also helping them with reading and writing! When the teacher presents the Bible lessons, he also asks questions of the kids–reinforcing what they have read and heard.

In Crucitas (a location in the Lighthouse Church program), a teacher shared that the children now have better behavior and have learned a better way to to speak to others based on the weekly Bible lessons. 

Alejandro said, “Backpacks, food, and shoes… We know those things are a huge blessing to the communities. But the Word of God is the most precious thing we can give them. The backpacks work for a year. If we can put the Word of God in their hearts, that is the biggest thing ever! We are already thinking ahead for next year. We’ve already found the materials. We are expecting next year to be even better!”

 - posted by Christi

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