Thursday, October 5, 2023

Revving up for Motorcycles

Vroom, vroom! It’s time to rev up to talk about motorcycles. Helping pastors get motorcycles is nothing new for Sowers4Pastors but Brandy provided some new insight about this branch of the ministry. 

Why are Motorcycles So Important?

“I’ve been in different places that are difficult to get to. You can get there by motorcycle or by horse. And not a pretty horse because the horse could easily break an ankle,” Brandy shared with a laugh. 

With a motorcycle, a pastor can travel to different places to preach, reach brothers and sisters in Christ, and help the community. Less travel time means they can visit their church plants more often, plant more churches in more remote areas, and preach more.

What is the Application Process Like?

The applications are pretty straight forward. Brandy explained that applicants “ share about their call to the ministry. They talk about their vision for their ministry.”  

The pastors also record how often they need to spend the night away from home when visiting their church plants. Brandy said, “Some pastors have to spend a week away from home when planting churches. The locations are in the mountains and there are no buses or taxis to those areas. Getting there by walking takes a lot of time. We consider all of those factors when selecting the pastors who have the greatest need.”

How Many Applications Has S4P Received this Go Around?

Right now there are about 20 applications. Next week, S4P will begin the process of reading all of the documents and selecting the pastors with the most need. 

“We would love to give motorcycles to them all but there isn’t enough money for that. We want to give around 15, this time.”

Describe the Motorcycles

“We help provide two different sizes of motorcycles. One has a 125cc engine. The other has a 150cc engine. Pastors who live and work in easier terrain can get by with a 125 engine while people in difficult areas need a 150 engine.

“One pastor currently has a 125 engine and his church has moved him to a more difficult area. It’s hard for that motorcycle to go up the mountain carrying his wife and their two children. He must ride in 1st gear the whole way. He has asked if he can apply to upgrade. When that happens, we ask the pastor if he can find another pastor to give or sell his current motorcycle to. If he can’t find someone, we will take the motorcycle and sell it to another pastor cheaply. This pastor has said he’s planning to give it to another pastor when he can save the money to apply for the 150 engine,” Brandy said.

Wait! Say What? The Motorcycle is Carrying a Whole Family?

Yes, motorcycles in Honduras are frequently used in the same way we might use a family vehicle. Rachel shared, “We’ve been thinking about making a BINGO card for our teams to fill in as they travel around. Spotting an entire family on a motorcycle is one of the things we’d put on the card! I once spotted a mother nursing a baby while riding on a motorcycle. I don’t recommend that, but there she was!”

Brandy has seen a father, mother, and their four children all riding on a single motorcycle!

What Percentage of Motorcycle Cost is Provided by Sowers4Pastors?

As Allen has shared many times in the past, pastors are expected to provide a percentage of the cost before receiving a motorcycle. S4P provides 50% of the cost for a 125 engine and 35% for the 150 engine.

“The pastors earn little money so it is difficult for them to save enough money. Pastors work other jobs where they might earn about $8 a day. With that $8, they must support their families, send their kids to school, and cover other expenses. It isn’t easy for them to get their portion. We know the need so we try to help them. For them, it’s the equivalent of buying a new truck or car,” Brandy said.

How Can You Help?

Donations can be made through the Sowers4Pastors website. On the Donate page, there is a dropdown menu that allows you to select where you would like the money to go. Click on the down arrow under Purpose and you will find the listing for Motorcycles and Horses for Pastors. 

 - posted by Christi

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