Thursday, October 18, 2007

Russell is doing much better

I know a lot of people are checking for updates, so here is a quick one. We haven't had any additional issues or problems related to the soccer injury since Russell had that slight fever on Tuesday. Russell is, of course, still on the antibiotics. His pain has definitely lessened, and he is up and going about fairly normally, except that we aren't letting him do any lifting or construction work, and no soccer. He doesn't mind so much about the work, but not playing soccer for a few weeks is hard on him!

Thank you all, so much, for all of the prayers. We appreciate them more than we can possibly express!


Anonymous said...

thank you for the good news.
I have been watching. it seems like, Joy and I would be going to Poolesville on 27th. hope to see you there.


Unknown said...

I'm glad he's ok!

Anonymous said...

Good news about Russell! Hearing about his injury was like having one of my own sons hurt. We are all glad he is doing better. Love Beth Webb